Workplace Policy

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English is the primary language for communication in the workplace. All employees are expected to use English during work hours, both in verbal and written communication.


Employees are expected to maintain a professional demeanour at all times when interacting with colleagues, clients, and any other stakeholders.


Respectful and inclusive behaviour is non-negotiable. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of offensive or demeaning language or behaviour are strictly prohibited.


Confidentiality is to be maintained regarding any sensitive information related to the organisation or its stakeholders.

Work Environment:

  • Employees should maintain a clean and tidy workspace, ensuring a safe and productive working environment.
  • Employees are expected to work in tandem with the team of faculty members and content creators to ensure standardisation and professionalism at all times.
  • All content designed is to be organic and copyright-protected.
  • Personal phone usage should be kept to a minimum during working hours. Non-work- related phone calls should be made during designated break times.
  • Internet usage should be for work-related purposes only. Personal browsing, streaming, or social media engagement should be limited to non-work hours or during designated breaks.
  • Attendance and Punctuality: Employees are expected to adhere to their assigned work schedule, including arrival and departure times.
  • Absences or tardiness to be informed in advance.

    Personal Conduct:

  • Consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or any substance that impairs performance is strictly prohibited in the workplace.
  • Dress code policy: semi-formals or smart casuals or formals- appropriate to the situation and cultural context.
  • Use of Company Resources: Company resources, including class materials, computer systems, software, equipment, and facilities, should be used solely for work-related purposes. Personal use should be limited to non-work hours or with prior authorization.
  • Intellectual property and copyrighted materials should be respected and not used or shared without proper permission.
  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Employees are expected to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, both within the workplace and outside during work-related activities.
  • Any unethical or illegal activities should be reported to the appropriate authorities or management.
  • Employees after resignation are not allowed to work with ELTA’s clients.
  • This workplace policy serves as a guideline for all employees of and aims to create a respectful, inclusive, and productive work environment. Violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.